7 Stage UF Home Water Filter System with UV Sterilizer
FOB Reference Price
$23.00 Min.Order:1(piece)
Color White
Ningbo Qi Dian Health Technology Co., Ltd
E-mail: jessica@pinke-singularities.com
Tel: 15857188147
Adress: 浙江省宁波市海曙区横街镇桃源村

Product spec.:

。Voltage (V): 220V
。Application: Household
。Power Source: Electric
。Applicable scope: family, office, public
。Ambient Humidity: ≤90%
。Inlet water pressure: 0.1-0.3Mpa
。Ambient Temperature: 4-40℃
。Applicable Water Quality:Municipal Tap Water
。7 stages Filter:PP cotton + CTO + PP cotton+UF+UV Lamp+Mineral+T33
。6W UV Sterilizer:0.1m³/hr ; 0.5 GPM
。Material: ABS+Stainless steel
。Customer Design Available

Product point:

。Seven-stage filter design
First Stage-5 μm PP filter element: Filter the rust, sediment, algae, silt,etc.
Second Stage-CTO filter element: Remove heterochrosis, odor, residual chlorine, heavy metal, organic matter etc.
Third Stage-1 μm PP filter element: Filter small molecules of organic matter, microorganisms, sediment, suspended matter, etc.
Forth Stage-0.01μm UF filter element: Filter organic matter and microorganism, further remove colloid and impurity in water.
Fifth Stage-UVsterilizing lamp: 360° no dead angle irradiation, remove the bacteria, such as E. coli, viruses, microorganisms, etc.
Sixth Stage- Mineral filter element: Add mineral substance, improve PH to make water in alkaline.
Seventh Stage- T33 Post-activated carbon: Improve the taste of the water, make the water sweet and mellow.
。No tank & Integrated circuits design, no water storage pollution